Reseller Locator

Only resellers shown on this list are our ‘CURRENT & ACCREDITED’ tube resellers.

This list will be updated with time – only resellers with solid reputation and high integrity, meeting our dealer qualification requirements and code of ethics will remain on this list to serve our valued customers.

Resellers who are found to be in violation of our reseller policy will be removed from this list in real time to keep the list up-to-date.

We welcome consumers to report dealers who do not conduct business according to high ethics standard to us at any time.

We greatly value our brand of [Linlai™ Global], and will only team with industry professionals who share the same value with us to serve our most valued customers worldwide.

Current & Accredited Reseller List:

Resellers Business NameReseller Website
Grant Fidelity – Premium Vacuum
More to come…We have been receiving reseller inquiry regularly since our brand launch. However, so far nearly ALL applicants are only planning to sell a few tubes in a year to make quick margin. Our minimum quantity for reseller is 10 pairs of tubes for any given tube model – it’s not a high quantity request, yet nearly all those inquirers are not ready and willing to make such a financial commitment. We continue to look for resellers who are willing to invest in our brand and work with our brand for long term success.

Who is NOT authorized [Linlai™ Global] reseller?

Any vendors, who carry and reseller tubes bearing the Chinese domestic logo print tubes, are not a [Linlai™ Global] authorized resellers. Consumers who are tempted by those low prices – please do your own research on the source and quality of those tubes. [Linlai™ Global] do not confirm, nor endorse quality of those vendors merchandize.