Reseller & OEM Application

We welcome ‘established‘ audio business associates (including well-run reputable online stores or offline brick & mortar audio and music stores), to participate the [Linlai™ Global] tubes international distribution network.

Please note from this website, we do NOT sign up dealers for the mixed quality of tubes that you see at low price on internet e-commerce platforms offered by Chinese domestic market dealers. We ONLY deal with carefully screened, selected top quality tubes bearing [Linlai™ Global] logo dedicated for overseas market.

There are two methods to participate our distribution network:

  • Be an ‘influencer’ to earn credit: For Hi-Fi equipment retail stores who serve local consumer market and not of high business volume (i.e you may sell small quantity of equipment per year of the multiple brands you buy at dealer price upon receiving each customer order, then back to back sell it with a markup to the customer), we recommend such a store or retailer to consider to become ‘influencer’ – i.e. recommend our tubes to your existing clients, and earn a 5-7% referral fee depending on business volume you generate, in the form of store credit with [Linlai™ Global] webstore. You can use earned store credit for the next tube order you place with us. Please note in this method, you do not need to stock tubes and we drop ship tube orders to your end customer directly and process warranty for the consumer directly. You are completely hands-off from handling the physical goods. This hands-off method create clear responsibility of potential shipping damages and product warranty from us, not from you.

  • For Hi-Fi equipment distributors (ie. you import Hi-Fi equipment from a brand, sell to Hi-Fi stores at wholesale price who in turn sell to consumer at retail price) – reselling tube doesn’t fit into audio equipment distribution business model due to high level of involvement in pre-sale testing / screening and after-sale testing / replacement services needed for tubes. Tubes are very different from Hi-Fi equipment, audio accessories such as cables etc. Tubes have much lower margin compared to those accessories and do not have profit margin to put in two layers (distributor and retailer) of markup in the supply chain. We greatly appreciate worldwide Hi-Fi equipment distributors’ interest in adding tubes to their product catalog, but the business model simply do not integrate to make economic sense for both parties.

  • Be an inventory carrying true reseller with upfront investment & long term commitment to earn profit margin: For businesses who are specialized in selling tubes to consumers with a track record and excellent online reputation in customer services – you may fit into our distribution network. However, there is substantial cost and commitment required to cut into the limited size of high end tube market as below:

There is minimum order quantity (MOQ) requirement for reseller: it starts from 10 pairs PER TUBE MODEL, (not combined with mixed tube models) and carrying minimum 5 tube models. There is a minimum upfront investment in mixed tube model inventory of US$10,000 (net of shipping cost) to start with, and an obligation to re-order US$5,000 inventory every 6 months to keep your reseller status active. You are also required to invest in Amplitrex AT1000 tube testing system (cost US$3000 to $4000 depending on adaptors needed) to service customers and verify warranty requests. If you cannot meet this MOQ requirement or not willing to make the commitment to invest into the product line for long term partnership and success, your application cannot be approved at this time. We set the minimum order quantity in order not to flood the market and create unnecessary friction among our resellers.

We do not issue a reseller price list. Our approved resellers will be set up on our website with a% discount from our retail price for them to place orders. The discount ranges from 12% to 28% depending on business volume. To achieve the highest discount level, a reseller needs to order 100 tubes per tube model to qualify. 

Thank you for your understanding. If you decide that you can meet the above requirement and would like to proceed with an reseller application, please fill out the application form below. We will get back to you within 5 business days.

    Your Email Re-confirm(required, in case you typed it wrong above)

    Why you think you are a good fit for our global distribution network? (min 10 max 3000 length)

    (If you don't hear back from us in 5 business days, likely the message were filtered by web server built-in security filters for unknown reason. In that case, send your email copy directly to us to sales at linlaiglobal dot com)