Finally! A metal plate 845 tube that can achieve the real vintage RCA 845 specification!

This flagship ‘Moly plate’ E-845 model from new tube factory LINLAI Tubes in China, can truly deliver 25 watts output with no distortion,  reach 100 watts heat dissipation without red platting, in a 1000+V live circuit!

What does this mean to a tube amp owner? Your amp will deliver all the juicy output power it was designed for, without stressing out your precious tubes and sacrifice on tube life! 


What is Elite E-series by LINLAI?

This is the proprietary design flagship series by LINLAI. It is positioned to compete with the Psvane ACME Supreme series and other European brand in the ultra high end tube market.


Features of the Elite E-845: 

  • Ultra purity Molybdenum metal plate – by nature this special material has better heat dissipation than graphite plate, and has better stability under extreme temperature
  • No solder points in the entire plate so the plate has better reliability – 16 nuts and screws to fix the Moly plate in perfect position
  • Superior sonic signature offered by metal plate 845: strong emission leads to strong plate current and a feel of bigger sound stage
  • Low tube base noise as low as 0.01mV measured by lab equipment
  • Reinforced 4-pole internal structure for safe shipping and handling
  • Manufacturer recommended optimal sound to when biased at 65mA, at 1000V plate voltage. User may deviate from this setting but please monitor for red plate if set at too high








Select purchase option:

Top 10% Best of Best Grade, Pair, Factory QC Pass, Pair


[Linlai™ Global]